miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2012

Write sins

  1. Sex
  2. Cheating
  3. Getting drunk
  4. Say it out loud
  5. Punch you in the motherfuckin' face
  6. Write an indecent letter
  7. Send it
  8. Nude pictures
  9. Lies
  10. Porno watchers
  11. Masturbating
  12. Anal sex
  13. Rock & Roll
  14. Set a cat on fire
  15. Kissing your cousin
  16. Screaming shit to a sexy girl
  17. Flirting
  18. One night stands
  19. Steal
  20. Break your nose
  21. Telling the truth
  22. Giving a damn about homeless people
  23. Eating dogs
  24. Being poor
  25. Shit on your girlfriend's toilet.
  26. MILFs
  27. Drugs
  28. Non believers
  29. Buying things on discounts season
  30. Being a window shopper
  31. Have a dark skin color
  32. Non having an iPhone
  33. Eating tacos cheaper than $20
  34. Having a Beatle VW
  35. Admiring religious images different than Jesus
  36. Not knowing how to walk with high heels
  37. Hipsters
  38. Not having a hot girlfriend/boyfriend
  39. Nerds
  40. Being drunk
  41. Not being drunk
  42. Starbucks
  43. Growing up
  44. Working just for money
  45. Working just for passion
  46. Chicanos
  47. Fat people
  48. McDonald's
  49. Having a boss
  50. Having a blog

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